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January 2024

New year, new garden plans!

Despite the cold and short days here in the Texas Hill Country, there is still plenty to do in the garden to prepare for the spring days ahead.

At this time your plants will need protection. Make sure to cover your cold tender plants with frost protectant plankets or move your cold tender plants inside. We have installed plastic coverings and doors over each of the nursery greenhouses to better insulate the plants.

For preparation, January is a perfect time to start planning your landscape layout, prepping seeds and amending your soil if needed. If you have a greenhouse or warm, bright location, now is also time to start your tomato, pepper, and eggplant seeds.

January is also the time of year to plant fruit trees such as blackberries and grapes, plant roses, shrubs, trees, and harvest the last vegetables produced in fall.

Here at the nursery our landscapers are hard at work building a new greenhouse for our retail area. This greenhouse will eventually house hundreds of our home grown perennials that will eventually be available to the public.

Seeds available at South Texas Growers

Native American Seed available while supplies last for $3.99 a seed packet.

Current Stock:

Texas Bluebonnet

Native Milkweed

Green Milkweed

Butterfly Retreat - Black eyed susan, Butterfly Weed, Prairie Goldenrod, Annual Winecup, Rose Milkweed, Showy Milkweed, Maximilian Sunflower

Pollinator Essentials Mix: Lemon Mint, Indian Blanket, Butterfly Weed, Cutleaf Daisy, Partridge Pea, Illinois Bundleflower

Deer Resistant Mix: Gayfeather, Plains Coreopsis, Mealy Blue Sage, Huisache Daisy, White Rosinweed, Pink Evening Primrose

Bee Happy Mix: Blue Mistflower, Frostweed, Tall Goldenrod, Bush Sunflower, Foxglove, Gayfeather, Golden Dalea, Lazy Daisy, Missouri Primrose, Prairie Verbena

Hummers and Singers: American Basketflower, Annual Winecup, Black eyed susan, Butterfly weed, Cutleaf Daisy, Drummond Phlox, Gayfeather, Illinois Bundleflower, Lemon Mint, Maximilian Sunflower, Purple Coneflower, Purple Prairie Clover, Standing Cypress, Mealy Blue Sage, Partridge Pea, Pink Evening Primrose

Native Texas: Texas Bluebonnet, Indian Blanket, Black Eyed Susan, Prairie Coneflower, Clasping Coneflower, Lemon Mint, Mexican Hat, Plains Coreopsis

Plant in Spring or Fall: Purple and Prairie Coneflower, Cutleaf Daisy, Purple and White Prairie Clover, Standing Cypress, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Greenthread, Butterfly Weed, Black eyed Susan, Showy and Rose Milkweed, Bergamot, Blue Flax, Gayfeather, Pink Evening Primrose, Blue Wild Indigo, Winecup, Mealy Blue and Pitcher Sage

Some of the best trees and shrubs to plant this time of year

Possumhaw Holly tree

The Possumhaw Holly makes a good interest tree as it holds their berries throughout winter.

Compact Nandina

Texas Greencloud Sage

Mountain Laurel

Refer to Comal County Gardening Guide for more planning information. Available at the nursery for $39.00

Happy new year and happy planting!


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